I regularly give nutrition talks on general areas of interest around health and nutrition, as well as more specific requests on mental health, children's health and sleep.
The array of charitable groups I have worked for can be seen below.
I welcome the opportunity to give my time and expertise to charities.
Please do get in touch to discuss your particular needs.
Examples of previous talks:
Langdon: educating young adults with special needs as part of Langdon's Health and Wellbeing Programme, doing live cookery demos and talking about nourishing food.
Future Dreams: working with women who have been touched by breast cancer I deliver workshops on all aspects of nutrition and how it links to optimal health and energy
Jewish Blind and Disabled: running various hour workshops through zoom, to support the residents with nutritional information: from understanding blood sugar levels to how food can affect sleep patterns.
Fire Brigade Life Course: an interactive talk for teenage girls on how to use food in a positive way to enhance energy, skin, mood and manage hormones
Mildmay Mission Hospital: 3 week workshop for HIV out-patients on consuming a whole food diet and why this is important for maintaining health
Eclipse: a mental health charity in Barnet that helps people back to independent living, talks on how good nutrition can help improve mental health
How to successfully declutter the kitchen for improved family health
How to ensure your child has a healthy relationship with food
Cancer Kin: a breast cancer charity at The Royal Free Hospital, about using food to optimise energy
Christ Apostolic Church, Kentish Town: a talk about healthy eating and nutrition at their Community Health and
Wellbeing Awareness Day