I run a variety of workshops throughout the year on all aspects of nutrition

At Nutrition for Health we run a variety of group work throughout the year. People come together to learn about food, nutrition, and aspects of health and weight. Group work tends to be with 4 - 8 people creating an intimate environment where you can share experiences in a safe place, with no judgement.
Group Work
Nutrition Reboot has been running now for several years, in many guises, and is extremely popular and effective.
A 6 week course that touches on all aspects of nutrition and gives you the opportunity for learning about health in a group setting. The feedback on the experiences of participants over the years has always been incredibly positive. Check it out here for more details of the next course.
Parenting a perfect evening workshop for parents and caregivers. The aim of the workshop is to present ideas that are used to help support healthy eating patterns in children. Ideas can be applied to all age groups. A great overview of how to manage food and mealtimes as a family.
Eating Well for the Menopause is a one evening workshop with a small group of women, giving you information and tools to help support peri-menopause symptoms. You don’t have to wait till the next workshop if you are interested in this: why not learn with friends who also would love to know about how to use nutrition to help manage menopause symptoms: create your own group and I will do the workshop just for you?
Bespoke: I love creating workshops for people on a variety of issues, as the ultimate personal experience of food and nutrition. If you would like to know about gluten free cooking, vegan cooking, or a a cook-a-long about healthy snacks I will put together a workshop just for you and your friends, family, community or colleagues. Call me now to discuss possibilities.
Depending on restrictions groups can be held at my home, at your home or online.