Nutrition For Health Packages
An overview of Nutrition For Health individual packages for optimised health and weight

Overview Of How I Work:
Personalised nutrition is a key component to Nutritional Therapy.
All nutrition packages at Nutrition For Health are tailored to the individual. The starting point is always to listen to my client. A vital part of the process is to ensure a clear understanding of underlying issues and eating patterns, in order to create the individual nutrition plan.
An in-depth 90 minute consultation is the beginning of the process, where I delve into a detailed look at the following:
Current physical and mental health
Medical history
Sleep status
Digestive matters
Activity levels
General lifestyle
Understanding of food knowledge, cookery skills, time and budget available
Detailed look at the timings of a day and eating patterns within that day
Food consumed with the use of an online food journal
This consultation is undertaken with sensitivity and understanding, no judgement and an open mind.
I want to put clients at ease in order that they can be open and honest to ensure the best outcome.
Within 24 hours of the initial consultation you will receive your own Nutrition Plan. All packages include follow up consultations, numbers of which depend on level of support required: see individual packages for details.
Nutrition Packages That I Currently Offer:
Kickstart: Begin your journey to optimal health with this 4 week nutrition starter package
Transform: THE gold standard of my nutrition packages, with 12 weekly support meetings spread over 3- 4 months
Children: From toddlers to teenagers, I help you support your child's physical and mental health