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Updated: Apr 13, 2021

Delicious lunch sitting in the sun today, getting a burst of that all important Vitamin D. ⠀

We need to keep things interesting, mix it up, stop food boredom setting in. Which doesn’t have to mean hours in the kitchen. It can just mean thinking outside the box. ⠀

Why not challenge yourself to try out different combinations this week, stay on your toes and make yourself lunch bursting with flavour! Have a good rummage in the fridge and see what you can come up with 😋⠀

✨Leftover chickpeas (from making falafel at the weekend) were the perfect protein for today. Mixed in with a chopped red chilli and some fresh wild garlic - in season.⠀

✨Took a minute to wilt some spinach, and then I added a teaspoon of pesto on top.⠀

✨Cut up half an avocado and sprinkled it with savoury seeds (always have a jar in the cupboard): delicious and important fats⠀

✨Laurie’s Kimchee Kraut is a wonderful probiotic food. Recommend having some probiotic foods every day to optimise digestive health.⠀

🍋Finished off with a good squeeze of lemon, salt and pepper. ⠀

A good rule, too, is the more variety you have the more nutrients are involved:⠀

✅Healthy fats⠀

✅Vegan protein⠀







Simple. Delicious. Nutritious.



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