I encourage clients to look at proportions of food groups and like this plate, it’s loaded with vegetables, balanced with about a quarter protein and a quarter carbs.
Delicious and nutritious dinner that was very simple in the making 😅
Sesame chicken: marinated for 2 hours in 1 tbsp each of:⠀
*Brown rice miso⠀
*Kecap manis⠀
*Tamari soya sauce⠀
*Sesame oil⠀
✨Sprinkled with black and white sesame seeds and baked in the oven for 12 mins⠀
✨Perfect with Pak choy stir fried with spring onion ,garlic, ginger and oyster sauce⠀
✨Served with thick gf brown rice noodles and broccoli⠀
✅Gluten free⠀
✅Dairy free⠀
✅High in calcium⠀
✅Low in saturated fat⠀
✅Abundant vegetables⠀
✅Anti inflammatory⠀
💚Simple 💚Delicious 💚Nutritious
If you struggle to understand what and how to eat in a way that nourishes you, get in touch for a free, no obligation, chat 📞