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Top Tips To Keep Food Interesting

Updated: Jan 25, 2022

As a Nutritional Therapist my clients are always asking me for top tips for ways to stay healthy. Especially important to get excited about food in January in my opinion! There is no need to feel like you are in a period of deprivation - food should always be delicious and nutritious. So here are my top tips of how to keep food interesting:

✨Talk to your friends about what they are making & share ideas

✨Use herbs and spices in cooking ; fabulously healthy and delicious

How many of these do you use regularly? parsley, coriander, basil, Thai basil, kefir lime leaves, curry leaves, rosemary, bay leaves, mint….

✨Cook using your eyes - add colour to food as often as you can, like this quinoa salad I made with herbs, red cabbage, rocket, black beans and chilli

✨Think about different cuisines for inspiration on flavour ideas, if you could get up and travel somewhere right now what food would you love to eat: Indian, Mexican, Vietnamese, Thai, Italian, Sri Lankan, Israeli…..

✨Don’t be constrained by what you normally make: try different proteins with your meal rather than the usual chicken or lentils. There are many many forms of protein that are delicious and nutritious and great to cook with.

✨Use a recipe book - just open one up and take a punt on a recipe that you haven’t made before

✨Delegate the thinking and cooking to another member of the family - you don’t have to do it all. Get other members of your house to chose a meal

✨Check out my instagram and website for recipe ideas. And not just mine but there are fantastic recipes all over the internet. You can google ingredients you have in your cupboard and be presented with all sorts of new meal ideas.

✨If in doubt, message me!! I love to talk about food and get excited about what to eat.

☎️If you aren’t sure where to start but would love to upgrade how you eat, improve your health, reduce weight, boost your immune system, get in touch for a free 30 mins discovery call and find out how I can help you.

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